Veronica Welding / Program Host
Veronica Welding shows
Q. If you could have any job for a day, what would it be?
A. The Prime Minister or a Radio News Reader
Q. What’s your favourite food?
A. Pasta
Q. What’s your favourite band?
A. UB40
Q. If you could have any three people to dinner, who would they be?
A. Theuns Jordaan (South African Singer), Christiaan judi online Barnard (Cardiac Surgeon) and Elon Musk
(Entrepreneur, Engineer, Inventor)
Q. If you could meet anyone who has passed away, who would it be and why?
A. Koos Du Plessis as he was a prominent South African singer-songwriter and poet, colloquially known as Koos Doep. Although he received critical acclaim for much of his work, he became best known for the runaway success of a rendition of daftar situs judi slot online terpercaya his song “Kinders van die Wind” (“Children of the Wind”) by Laurika Rauch. The deep soulful lyrics he wrote still lives on in South African music today.
Q. What’s your best advice for people interested in working on radio?
A. Do it for the love of it not the money. Keep on keeping on! Its worth it!
Q. What event, festival or service would you being to Geelong?
A. Entertainment for children introducing them to more art a culture experiences from all walks of live, thus giving local and new artists the platform to introduce their work. Help for the community in need and support for immigrants trying to situs slot gacor find their feet in a new country.
Q. What song is your guilty pleasure?
A. Sal jy bly (Will you stay) – Theuns Jordaan